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Minggu, 25 Maret 2012

Asking if somenone remember or not

Diposting oleh Nadya Yonisa di 17.22
Definition :
Asking if someone remember or not can be explained is as a situation when we ask to someone about something ( usually seriously ) that they remember or not remember about it.
Purpose :
Purpose of the topic is to remember someone about something that important.

Example :
1.       Formal expression
v  Example :
a.       I wonder if you remember …
b.      You remember … , don’t you ?
c.       You haven’t forgotten …, have you ?
d.      Don’t you remember … ?
e.      Do you happen to remember it now ?

v  Respond :
a.       Let me think, Yes I remember.
b.      I remember especially the scenery
c.       I’ll never forget about that.
d.      I’ll always remember.
e.      I can remember it clearly.

2.       Informal expression :
v  Example :
a.       Remember the old house we used to live in ?
b.      Remember that ?
c.       I’m sorry  I don’t remember.

v  Respond :
a.       Hold on. Yes, got it !
b.      I know …
c.       It’s coming back to me now.

v  Respond if  forget :
a.       Sorry, I’ve completely forgotten
b.      I’m afraid I forget
c.       I really can’t remember
d.      I’m afraid I have no memory of him
e.      Let me think. No, it’s gone

Example dialogue :
1.       On Sunday Olvie up early, then she showered and wearing office clothes.

Dhea     : Hey, Olvie. Where would you wear service dress ?
Olvie      : I want to go to the office, why ?
Dhea     : Did you forget? This is the day of the week!
Olvie      : Oh my God! I forgot! Hahaha -,-

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